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23/07/2021 3:18 pm
I am using Microsoft Office professional plus 2013. When I try to remove additional mailbox from my Outlook, I am getting the below error.
This group of folders is associated with an email account. To remove the account, click the File Tab, and on the Info tab, click Account Settings. Select the e-mail account, and then click Remove
I followed the same by going to File --> Info --> Account settings but I can see only the main mailbox email account. I am unable to find the additional mailbox account there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
23/07/2021 3:23 pm
This type of mailbox can be removed only by the admin of that particular mailbox. Contact admin of that mailbox to remove your name. Once he revoked the permission, then the additional mailbox will get automatically removed from your outlook after restarting it.
This post was modified 3 years ago by admin