How to Change IP Address in Windows 7, 8, 10, XP or Vista

Published On: December 25th, 2011|Last Updated: January 7th, 2023|Categories: Windows|Total Views: 2249|Daily Views: 2|

Reason to Change IP address

There are several reasons to Change IP Address in Windows operating systems depending upon the necessity. Some websites restrict user by IP address to do some actions like voting, watching video, downloading, etc. In this case, changing the IP address might help to bypass this restriction. Below I have explained the methods to change IP address in windows 7, 8, 10, XP or Vista.

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Public IP vs Private IP

Public IP is a globally unique IP address assigned to the devices which are directly connected to an internet.
Private IP is assigned to devices connected in the private network such as home, private organization, etc.

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How to Change the Public IP or Internet IP address?

1. Reconnecting the Modem: Most of Internet service providers will assign only dynamic IP address for the devices. Disconnect and reconnect the modem, then you probably will get new IP address assigned to your device. If this not works, try the below method.

2. Reconnecting the Modem and the Router: Disconnect the modem and power off the router. Wait for few minutes and try reconnecting the router and the modem. If this not works, try the below method.

3. Wait for long hours: After disconnecting the modem and the router, wait for long hours or even a day. Then try reconnecting the router and the modem. If this not works, try the below method.

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4. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP): If none of the above method helps to change your IP address then you are assigned with the static IP address. Your ISP might help you to change your static IP address.

5. Hide your original IP: Use free web proxy servers or VPN to mask your IP address. They act as an intermediate between you and the web servers. Your ISP provided IP address will get hidden and you can surf the web with proxy or VPN IP address. These IP address will originate from different part of the country so even geo-restricted websites can also be accessed.

How to Change the Private IP address?

This applies only to the private networks. After changing the IP address by the below method and when you try to connect to the internet then you might get problem in connection.

Using Command Prompt (CMD): (Works in all versions of Windows)

1. Open the RUN window by clicking Window + R button.

2. Type cmd and press enter. A blank command prompt window will get open.

3. Type ipconfig /release and press enter.

4. Type ipconfig /renew and press enter.

Now your IP address is got released and renewed. In the same command prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter, which will show your new IP address.

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Using Windows Interface

1. Disconnect the internet.

2. For Windows XP and earlier versions: Goto START menu, right-click on My Network Places and click Properties.
For Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and later: Goto Start button and then click Control Panel. Double click the Network and Sharing Center and click the Change adapter settings link at the left sidebar.

3. You can see the list of connections which was already connected to the computer. Double click on the connection for which you want to change the IP address.Change IP Address Windows 7 8 10 vista XP

4. Navigate to the Networking tab and double-click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).

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5. Click Use the following IP address and specify the new IP address. Press “Tab” key thrice so that the Subnet mask or Subnet prefix length and “default gateway” fields will get auto populated. In Windows 7 and later versions, you have to enter the Preferred DNS server and the Alternate DNS server.Change IP Address Windows 7 8 10 vista XP

6. Click OK.

7. Reconnect the internet and now you can see a new IP address assigned to your device.

If the above method is not working or if you know any other idea to change the IP address of windows OS, please share your knowledge in comments!

Hope this post was informative. Please share your valuable comments and feedback. Happy reading!

One Comment

  1. Avatar of Deepa
    Deepa Jul 20, 2016 at 7:14 pm - Reply

    Thanks dude. Please help me to change IP address in Linux machine?…

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