How to Manage and Reduce Mental Stress
All stressed out?
Nearly 9 in 10 young Indians suffer from mental stress.
Did you know, some colours can be good stress-busters? let’s explore how the colours of the Indian flag help you to reduce mental stress.
Saffron/Orange: An instant mood booster, this colour can induce refreshed energy and enthusiasm in you. You must have felt happy and refreshed by looking at sunsets and fruits like oranges and tangerines. Well, now you know the reason why!
White: Widely acclaimed as the colour of peace, the colour white brings calm and serenity to your stressed-out brain.
Green: The colour green, besides being a symbol of harmony, promotes overall mental health and brings vitality to your brain.
Blue: Don’t you feel eased out and relaxed each time you look at the deep blue ocean? That’s the power of the colour blue! Besides relieving distress, it also helps improve your concentration and focus.
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Reduce Mental Stress
Besides being surrounded by colours that help, here’s what you can do about your stress:
Functional coping: Channelize your energy, instead of focusing on the reasons behind your stress. Keep calm and patient. Don’t react but respond, as and when required.
Emotional coping: Accept adverse situations. Be self-motivated to challenge your limits. Understand that it may be difficult to change external factors, but your inner self is under your control.
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Accept and speak out: Learn to address your feelings and talk about them. Leverage support from your friends or family. Discussing and venting out your emotions is more helpful than keeping your feelings to yourself.
Don’t let stress take a toll on your health. Consult any psychiatrist to get relieve from mental stress.
Image Credit: Business photo created by jcomp –