Oral Rehydration Salts – What is ORS & How to Prepare at Home

Published On: July 29th, 2019|Last Updated: January 7th, 2023|Categories: Health|Total Views: 2576|Daily Views: 2|

Diarrhea kills 2,195 children everyday

That’s more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. The complications in diarrhea mostly stems from dehydration. Dehydration is the loss of body salts and water due to diarrhea. It is a serious concern that must be addressed on an urgent basis.

What is ORS – Oral Rehydration Salts?

Oral Rehydration Salts, also known as Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS), is an electrolyte solution that helps replacing essential body salts and fluids. This simple treatment using salt, sugar and water is the most effective and cheapest way to manage dehydration. ORS helps save the lives of over 1 million kids each year!

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How does ORS work?

ORS does not control the diarrhea, but acts as a better treatment for more than 90% of diarrhea patients by preventing their body from drying up. The glucose (from sugar) helps the intestine to absorb the salts and the fluids efficiently.

How to prepare ORS at home?

  • Before preparing the solution, wash hands with soap.
  • Take 1 litre or 4 cups (250 mL each) of boiled.
  • Mix half teaspoon salt or clean drinking water. and 6 teaspoons of sugar.
  • Mix thoroughly until Allysugar dissolves.
  • Cover the solution and do not use after 24 hours.

In case you doubt the water quality, boil the water and let it cool before making the solution.

Please note: Avoid adding too much sugar which makes diarrhea more critical. If you’re not sure how to prepare ORS at home, grab your ORS pack from the medical store.

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Must know about Oral Rehydration Salts

  • Breastfeeding can be done alternately in between giving ORS. Breast milk is easily digestible and helps overcome the infection causing the diarrhea.
  • If there is vomiting, wait for 10 mins in between ORS doses.
  • Make sure the child urinates to get rid of bodily wastes, fat and toxins.
  • Adults need ORS as much as kids, although kids must be treated as soon as they are dehydrated faster.
  • Do visit a doctor if diarrhea and/or vomiting persists. A stool culture helps identify the cause of diarrhea.

Remember ORS is safe and can be used without having a detailed diagnosis before giving the solution.

peeraporn kwanprom/Shutterstock.com

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