Remove toggles from Android 5 Lollipop Quick settings menu
Android 5 Lollipop comes with new design of Quick settings menu which is more interactive and user friendly. Set of toggles like (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, SIM service, Airplane mode, Flashlight, Location, Cast screen, Auto-rotate) were cannot be removed from the menu which was default in Lollipop installation. But few toggles like Hotspot, invert colors will be appeared once they were activated and removed automatically after 30 days of inactivity. You don’t want to wait for 30 days? Then go through the below steps to remove the icons or toggles quickly from the menu without using any application or tools.
1. Go to Settings and scroll down and select the Date & time menu under System.
2. Un-tick the Automatic date & time option. It enables the Set date option below.
3. Click Set date and select the date prior to one month or more than that and click Ok.
4. Check and ensure the date is changed prior to a month or more in the Quick settings menu.
5. Open the Quick settings menu by swiping down from the top.
6. Activate and deactivate the unwanted icons like Hotspot, invert colors, etc..,
7. Go to Settings and scroll down and select the Date & time menu under System.
8. Tick the Automatic date & time option. It disables the Set date option and updated the phone with current home network date.
9. That’s it, we are done. Now open the Quick settings menu and you can see the unwanted toggles will be disappeared.
Thanks in helping to clean my smartphone unused toggles..!